CFCP also runs INTRODUCTION TO MENTORING WORKSHOPS for organisations that are planning to introduce a peer mentoring programme for their members or followers.


To introduce your members to the practicalities of mentoring you can host an Induction Workshop for Peer-to-Peer Mentoring Programme.


This workshop, for both mentors and mentees, offers an introduction to the mentoring mindset and develops the skills and approaches needed for mentoring to be successful for both parties. To ensure that you can get the most out of any future mentoring relationship the workshop will explore themes like fundamental mentoring principles, different models of mentoring, and how to define and achieve your mentoring goals.  


Taking part in this induction workshop can be a prerequisite before for any member to receive a mentoring bursary from your organisation or to be paid to be a mentor to another practitioner. We strongly urge any member who may have an interest in sharing their skills as a mentor, or in being a mentee, or both, either now or at any time in the future to attend this workshop.


The workshop will be facilitated by Monika Sapielak from the Centre for Creative Practices.

Book Introduction To Mentoring Half Day Workshop