Native and Non-Native
What is it like to live in Ireland in 2020?

One of the Centre for Creative Practices (CFCP) aims is to highlight the social and economic affects of an intercultural society. Therefore as we start a new decade we have the opportunity to look back over the past decade and address and analysis what Ireland has or has not achieved, how the situation has changed socially and economically since 2010 and where we will be in 2030.
The social and economic situation of Ireland in 2010 has changed completely in 2020. Attitudes, not only in Ireland but around the World, have changed, new priorities have taken over and a new sense of order and morality has become evident. The major issues of 2010 replaced by new major issues in 2020. What kind of social and economic fabric do we want to have by 2030 and how do we see different develop as a society over that time.
To understand and to evaluate where Ireland is today, CFCP is running a collaborative arts’ based project, IRELAND:2020.
IRELAND:2020 is a chance for us to look back, and to look forward, on a number of issues relating to interculturalism such as in-bound migration, economic and socially displaced migrants, migrant artists, cultural diversity in the workplace and in society and the response of the local population to an intercultural society.
IRELAND:2020 is a chance to explore why people come to Ireland, why they (we) stay, what does it really mean to be an ‘Other” in a country that is not the country of our birth, a country that in several ways doesn’t truly accept you but a country that needs you for economic reasons and what is the perception of the local population to migration?
Migration has been a huge topic over the last decade but how has this really impacted the people themselves. We’ve all read articles or seen statistics from big data about migration and intercultural societies but what is it that the people feel, what are the real issues, tolerances, intolerances that we face, feel. What positive and negative aspects do we encounter in our daily lives?
The project was conceived after reading articles and hearing discussions on how society views migrants as job stealers, benefit scroungers, underserving refugees that is until migrants so something special in the local community such as win sporting medals, make a huge cultural impact abroad, become conscientious doctors and nurses then they are perceived as crossing over that chasm of not only belonging but being good migrants, worthy of being a part of an intercultural society in the host country.

As a response to this CFCP are running a collaborative art based project over 2020 that asks a number of critical questions:
- What is it like to be a migrant in Ireland in 2020?
- What is it like to be a migrant artist in Ireland in 2020?
- Why is art important in highlighting the social aspects of interculturalism?
- What are the challenges that the native population face in relation to the influx of migrants?
- How does the local Irish population relate to migrants?
We will publish a curated selection on CFCP’s website starting from the end of January 2020 but submissions are welcome all year.
We would like people to take one of the questions above and to write, photograph, or video response to it.
For an application form and for more details on the project please contact us.

Please apply with a short statement outlining the question you wish to answer, the format you wish to use and attach your artist bio and other supporting materials.
The Series will include collaborative workshops, panel discussions and research focus groups where each question will be discussed in detail.
The entire project will be documented through still images, video and podcast and displayed on
The New Voices of Ireland Series is a flagship project of integrative, cultural practice between migrant and local artists as well as audiences curated and presented by the Centre for Creative Practices.
CFCP is widely acknowledged to be a champion facilitator of intercultural, interdisciplinary, collaborative and participatory artistic practices, a potent catalyst for positive intercultural collaborations and a pro-active innovator and pioneer in creative entrepreneurship training, providing artists in Ireland with the professional skills necessary to build sustainable careers.

CFCP has enabled a multitude of inter-cultural artistic collaborations in Ireland, between artists from home and abroad. We have helped migrant and culturally diverse artists grow their creative practice, immerse themselves in the Irish artistic landscape and make connections that otherwise might have been impossible. CFCP has also created a platform for audiences to discover and enjoy culturally diverse events, with a rich cross-pollination of ideas and themes that reflects the diversity of the artists and their collaborative work.
CFCP is kindly supported by the Arts Council of Ireland.
Queries: If you have any questions, please contact or call 086-6084020

I am a French filmmaker and I worked with the Center for Creative Practices through the “New Voices” programs, featuring the work of international artists based in Dublin. The CFCP is a great place where you can discover, in a very intimate atmosphere, great artists and great stories. My overall experience with the staff and the program was very nice, I totally support the CFCP.
As an emerging artist the new voices series provided me the opportunity to showcase my first solo show and supported me just at the transition from student to practicing artist. The staff at the Centre for Creative Practices were fantastic, so helpful, welcoming and enthusiastic, always on the go setting up the next show, (be it visual or musical) yet despite their dedication to work and tight schedule the staff treat anyone who walk through the door as a good friend and take the time to welcome them wholeheartedly. Having such a mix of audience, like the one at CCP is a really uplifting experience.