Centre for Creative Practices Third Space
The Centre for Creative Practices (CFCP), is delighted to support the work of migrant and culturally diverse artists working and living in the Ireland of Ireland. As part of this support CFCP has created a new initiative called the “Third Space” that supports collaboration between migrant and local artists.
The title The Third Space is taken from the work of the influential cultural and post-colonial theorist Homi Bhabha; it refers to the interstices between colliding cultures, a liminal space “which gives rise to something different, something new and unrecognizable, a new area of negotiation of meaning and representation.” In this “in-between” space, new cultural identities are formed, reformed, and constantly in a state of becoming.
New Umbilical
By Leia Mocan and Barbara O’Meara
This new work explores the invisible cord linking individual artists through art, a connection between the two cultures: Romanian and Irish. From a conceptual perspective, this body of work explores the metamorphosis of the artists’ self-shifting identities and the all-consuming creation process.