Against The Odds 2:
Open Studios
Tag Beckett
Painter, thinker, maker, doer. Tag Beckett is an Irish artist from Dublin, Ireland. In the last eight years he has been a part of over fifteen exhibitions, including two solo exhibitions in Dublin, two solo exhibitions in London (one in which he painted for 24 hours straight while his friend, Tadhg Kelleher played piano- “1440” ). He also made a massive interactive art installation- “The Positive Affirmation Generation Machine” for Castlepalooza music festival, in Ireland. Tag Beckett is primarily a painter but loves creating stuff. He paints large scale loose, but not abstract, sybolist paintings. His paintings are about how beautifully strange and bizarre it is being a man in his 30’s today, trying to make sense of why he is here, looking at his granddad and his dad and their legacy and wondering what his will be.
He also thinks it’s very important not to take life too seriously, never be embarrassed and to be kind.

” WHY I MAKE” is a celebration of the power of art.
art can guide revolutions
art can be used as medication
art can inspire people
art can be religious
art can bring two people together that are from countries thousands of miles apart
this is what me and roxana would like to highlight in are movie we are from different countries
with different beliefs and cultures but we can communicate through art and are crafts
which i think is a very real, powerful thing
My Work
Why we make art?
What is going on in our brain when we draw or pain? Why does it feel so nice? And how can we get other people to see our artworks and get involved.
It turns out there’s a lot happening in our minds and bodies when we make art.
“Creativity in and of itself is important for remaining healthy, remaining connected to yourself and connected to the world,” says Christianne Strang.
Making art is meditative, joyful, emotional and challenging. It is so amazing to see how two artists have different approaches to art and how the process of art making is distinct for them.
Tag Beckett and Roxana Manouchehri are opening their studios doors.
They are showing the process of making art on its own without any explanation . The visual conversation between the two artists from different backgrounds make this conversation unique and challenging.
The viewer get involved with images, texts and music in a fun and artistic way.

Find out more
To find out more information please click the link below.
CFCP New Voices of Ireland Series 8: The Work
Open Call
Call for submissions for visual arts and multidisciplinary projects by or involving migrant and culturally diverse artists for the Centre for Creative Practices’ 2025 programme
Deadline – 25/02/2024
The Centre for Creative Practices invites submissions from PROFESSIONAL migrant and culturally diverse artists and local artists working with culturally diverse artists for our 2025 visual arts and multidisciplinary programme. We especially welcome participatory, collaborative, multidisciplinary and experimental proposals by individual artists and collectives. All projects have to include an artist’s talk and a participatory workshop for audiences.
We are inviting project proposals for two strands of our programme:
- New Voices of Ireland Series
- Third Space
THE NEW VOICES OF IRELAND SERIES aims to offer broad audiences a unique chance to engage with high-quality work by selected migrant and culturally diverse artists of various disciplines.
THIRD SPACE – collaborative projects between migrant and culturally diverse artists
Artists’ fees, production and marketing costs will be covered, and curatorial and production support will be offered by CFCP for the selected project. Up to 10 projects will be selected.
How to
Interested artists should submit ONE SINGLE PDF document containing the following information:
- Project/Exhibition proposal – 500 words max
- CV/History of artistic practice – max 1 A4 page
- 6 images of recent work – with titles and medium, where appropriate with dimensions
- Artistic workshop proposal
- Project budget
- Proposed timeline venue
Please submit your proposals via email to monika@cfcp.ie In the subject line please state: Programme proposal 2025, CFCP
Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to get in touch via email monika@cfcp.ie or just give us a call at 086-6084020.
The submission deadline is Sunday – 25/02/2024. Late applications will not be accepted.
CFCP is committed to professionally supporting, effectively showcasing and developing the talent of migrant artists, offering tailored artistic and capacity-building programmes, mentoring, and resources, and helping artists to access the local arts scene and build sustainable careers.
Migrant-centred and migrant-led, CFCP is acknowledged as a pioneer and catalyst for promoting cultural diversity, intercultural collaboration and exchange.
Join In
The New Voices of Ireland Series is a flagship project of integrative, cultural practice between migrant and local artists as well as audiences curated and presented by the Centre for Creative Practices.
The New Voices of Ireland Series aims to:
- Connect creative talent from new communities and various social groups from all over Ireland
- Give migrant and culturally diverse artists an opportunity to share their work and talent with a wide local and international audience
- Engage artists to express their views on social challenges and the role of culture in modern society through artistic practice

The New Voices of Ireland Series is kindly supported by the Arts Council of Ireland.
Queries: If you have any questions, please contact monika@cfcp.ie or call 086-6084020